Cold Bones

Today I woke up cold, miserably cold. Bone-chilling cold. I could not get warm. I swear they removed my internal thermometer when they did my double mastectomy. I tried every type of hot liquid I could swallow. I tried a hot shower and even my trusty hot water bottle. I was so cold I could not focus on writing. I couldn’t focus period. My hands were frozen. I couldn’t type. I was shivering, and I couldn’t sit still. I was miserable. I ended up taking all the clean towels out of the linen closet, putting them in the dryer on high for 20 minutes, and then piling them on top of myself, twice. I would lay there without moving a muscle on top of the bed covered in hot towels. On the second pile up, I felt it reach my bones and then I promptly fell asleep. Charlie woke me up by jumping on the bed and nuzzling me awake to make sure I was ok. I was finally warm, but I had to fold all the towels again and put them away. I burned through all my writing time. No time to write today. My superwoman cape got lost at the cleaners, and its ok. Tomorrow is a new day.




Pilot Episode